The Negotiation Process

Negotiations are dynamic encounters, each with its unique set of participants, interests, and objectives. However, the majority of negotiations generally unfold through the four distinct phases outlined below. Gaining a solid grasp of this process, along with the corresponding strategies for each phase, empowers you to flexibly tailor your approach to suit the specific circumstances at hand.

Phases of Negotiation What’s involved
1. Prepare to negotiate – Identify the type and scope of the negotiation.
– Establish and improve your position.
– Assess the other party’s position.
– Identify the zone of possible agreement.
2. Conduct the negotiation, including offers and counteroffers – Set the stage and tone.
– Use your strategies.
– Continually evaluate what’s happening.
3. Finalize the agreement – Prevent errors and manage your emotions.
– Handle impasses.
– Close the deal.
– Evaluate the outcome.
4. Fulfill the agreement – Carry out the agreement.
– Meet your commitments.
– Capture and share what you learned.
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